26 August 2010

NYC Mosque vs Pentagon Prayers vs Gov Overlords

Amendment I:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Oh the calamity!  First there was a proposed mosque near ground zero.  Then there were people who oppose the mosque.  Then there are the opposers of the opposers, and now calls for investigations into those who are in favor and those who aren't in favor of the said mosque!  Oh, and by the way, there is also a room inside the Pentagon where Muslims pray!  Forget the calamity, OH THE HUMANITY!

If you haven't read America Alone by Mark Steyn, then you should.  It will certainly help you understand what I am about to tell you in better light.  First, let us realize that peaceful Islam, even when peaceful, is nothing more than an adjunct political system that is hell bent on world domination.  Don't take my word for it, just listen to the bat nuts like the imam who is behind the NYC kick to the proverbial USA's nuts.  He will tell you that the USA has more blood on it's hands than the radical islmofascists do.  Feisal Adbul Taufand I will agree to disagree on that last doozey, simply because of the fact that I am an ignorant American.  (Sarcasm people, please read between the tea leaves). 

Look, let's get some things straight.  Number one, jihadists have brought "blood on the hands" upon themselves.  True, the USA tends to act like an empire and thus it meddles, unnecessarily at times, in foreign affairs.  Unlike what Imam Rauf has said, Iraq was responsible for the death of millions of Muslim people.  Iran was responsible for the hostage crisis.  Jihadists blew up the Cole and Khobar towers and were even fought by our fourth President, Thomas Jefferson, when they were busy being Barbary Pirates.  Hell, not even the Islamists can agree on the Islam!  Some are Sunni some are Shiite.  Others still want complete Shaira law for the whole world!  Instead of agreeing amongst themselves, they blow one another up and yet, we're the intolerant ones?

Then there are government overlords.  Hiding behind the same first amendment that we use, they claim to "defend" and condemn us all at the same time.  Enter the Guinness Guys: BRILLIANT!  Here's the thing, no one gives a rats donkey whether these people build their Mosque or not.  Quite frankly, most of America acknowledges they have the full right to build it where they want.  If you choose to build it there oh Friar peddler of the Islam, don't be surprised if there is some vigilante justice going on.  I'm not asking for it, I'm just saying you take the chance.  It's the type of justice we would expect from your ilk if we were to put a Catholic Cathedral five blocks next to Mecca.  You claim to be "tolerant" of our USA laws and culture, yet you fail to realize just how tolerant we are of your "political system."  

Simple, people don't care how you worship, or where, as long as you are "sensitive" to the noble deaths of our citizens.  You know, the ones that your ilk murdered.  No one has gone bat crap crazy over a multi-use prayer room where DoD Muslims pray from time to time.  That is the spirit of America, and we are ok with that, even if you aren't.  Most of us understood shortly after 9/11 that those of you in the middle east have the same empirical wishes that the USA leadership has.  Fine, well and good, do it on your own turf!  Leave us out of it.  If you don't, and you haven't, be ready for an ass whoopin!  We get that your history dating back to Mesopotamia has that conquering nature and we conquer to make friends and, well, stick around for a while.  You're just pissed that you hadn't thought about that idea in the last two thousand years.

Well, ok.  So I've digressed.  Case in point, the Islamofascists are being their usual ass-hatter selves, and expect us to alter our culture to fit theirs.  They have tried and succeeded widely in Europe and now they come to the last bastion of freedom, shinning upon the hill and they're biting off more than they can chew.  Newsflash retards, Washington doesn't represent some 75% of the USA if you haven't checked lately.  That figure is more than 2x as high as the colonies' dissatisfaction with the English crown when we revolted, so don't get too comfy.  Us Americans sometimes favor a good old fashioned beat down, and we're gonna continue to beat you down until you give up through good old fashioned American "astroturfing."

Tax Dollars for Mosques

Along with the slap in the face less than 5 blocks from ground zero.  Unbeknown to most, we have been funding the travels of the imam behind the NYC Mosque.  Oh, and if that's not bad enough, we are also paying to refurbish several high profile Mosques over seas! 

Excellent allocation of funds!  We're in a recession, headed towards a depression, and we can fund Mosque refurbishments in other countries!  Empire gone south we have become! 

Open Thread: Two Months, 90 Posts, 400+ Views

Well, I am tooting my own horn here for a minute, though I am not bragging.  Let us call this post "market research."  I fully admit I'm just another idiot with a blog who happens to meander in what I post about how I write those posts.  Hell, I'm sure half of the 400 views are me looking at my own blog! 

I said I wanted to get my rants and news posts out of my Facebook news feed, but I've realized, Facebooking news is far easier than managing a blog, writing material, captivating (hopefully) audiences, and disseminating links to fellow bloggers on similar topics to cross pollinate readership.  Phew, mouthful.  Taking the news links and turning them into discussions is rather difficult, time consuming, and of course, enjoyable. 

It brings me to this.  I still think I suck at this non-paying job and I mainly write to get my own thoughts down for myself.  I probably sound like a raving lunatic half the time and I should get out from behind the desk more often to write more "slice of life" spots.  I hope I'm just another pissed off American with a newly found internet voice, but that's what I haven't really gathered yet. 

Enter you, dear reader, and answer this question.  Do you hear me?  Do I make sense?  Am I a moron, or should I keep going?  Well, either way, while I write for you out there in intarweb land, I also write for myself.  I've always been self educating, but now I have to critically think harder, research the back stories on a news item, admit when I don't know something and even redact material when I totally FUBAR. 

I'm not saying thanks for my "clicks" just yet, because I don't feel that I have honestly earned many of them, but I will say thank you for the exposure thus far.  Please feel free to leave suggestions on this and any other blog post.  I really want to understand what you, as a reader of this (and other) blog(s) is looking for. 

Going forward, I promise I will make some better attempts to get more American Spirit in this blog and not just the good old American Civil Disobedience.  Until the next milestone post, thank you for your continued readership.

QOTD: Thuggery

Today's QOTD comes from your fine author, though it is not recommended for most situations in this PC world.
Sometimes you have to fight thuggery with thuggery; if we beat up a few bad guys with phone books more often, there would be less crime.
Baltimore, as we've discussed recently, is a cesspool of violence which means that the average beat cop has to deal with a lot of high stress situations and snap judgments.  Sometimes, they don't always make the best judgments, and when that happens they need to be reprimanded.  So, what happens when a 19 year veteran cop looses his job over an incident that took three years to investigate and probably didn't warrant anything more than a couple weeks without pay? 

Good question.  Investigative Voice has the stories this morning that stemmed from an inner harbor incident with a bunch of punk kids with no respect for authority.  Yes, the officer went a little far in his confrontation but the kid admits to the problem before minute two of the video (youtube video on IV link).  It's the same problem that has plagued Baltimore for a decade or more and it is continuously the elephant in the room no one wants to admit to or talk about; lack of family continuity within the city.  The punk kid shows a severe lack of respect to the officer and then fully admits to the cop that he has no father.  Where I came from, you grow up to fear what your father will do to punish you when you do something wrong.  Now, couple "behavior modification" with love from your old man, and it actually can turn you into a decent human being. 

Obviously, I do not know if the kid's father passed away or if he is one of the countless fornication kids in the city.  Baltimore cops have been known for their less than stellar reputations and abuse of power syndromes, but a veteran cop tossing around and talking tough to a loud mouth kid doesn't seem like a fire-able offense to me (and the review board agreed).  When the police get no assistance from the DA's office on putting the thugs and punks behind bars and there is a general lack of respect from the punks of all ages, it isn't shocking when the police get tough on their own accord.  Factor in the street knowledge of how to work the system as best as possible and situations like this become a regular headline grabbing occurrence. 

Either way, a couple skate boarding punk kids with no respect for the badge, didn't help themselves either.  Sure, it seems as though the officer was having a bad day and went a little far, but kids at that age who potentially would just be bounced around the juvenile justice system get better behavior modification from a tactic like my quote (though I don't recommend the use of actual phone books to the B-More PD).  If you want the police / citizen relationship to be better, cohere the family unit, instill some discipline into your children and don't be morons and break the rules or work the system.  Values matter and most of Baltimore, has none.